If you want to buy a horse abroad, usually you will have selected some horses, out of a range, you have viewed on the internet. 

With many years in Spain and with experience in horses, we can offer you our experience in helping you find the horse you are looking for, based on a detailed description from you.

Our working range is within the province of Malaga. You may engage us to do the field work for you. Los Caballos del Mosquin is not a horse dealer. We will be eorking for you, as you will pay us the fee for our assistance.

Before your visit to Spain:

We can provide you with a "hands on" impartial valoration of the horse, which can consist in a description of
- conformation and movements on close hold
- behaviour, character
- upbringing, stabling conditions, methods of riding interactions etc

After your visit to Spain:

- Connecting you with, or sorting out for you, a veterinary to do the all important pre purchase vet checks.
- Connecting you with or sorting out the transport of your horse.
- And all paper work, you may need.